Tuesday, February 18, 2014

10 Seconds to Love

          I could pick several different women who would sum up who I feel represents a modern day sex symbol in America today ranging from Kim Kardashian, Emma Stone, or Jessica Biel. However the woman I feel sums it up is Kate Upton who has graced the cover of Sports Illustrated several times as well as countless other magazines. To me Kate Upton is the All American Girl that would leave countless high school fellas drooling over their pages of SI.
          What I think makes Kate Upton unique from other women out there is she isn't in the mold of other Hollywood starlets, she has some meat on her bones. She also looks like a girl that could possible grow up next door to you and for some women that makes them less threatening. I think in today's world what I like so much about Kate Upton in this day & age when you hear about countless girls struggling with their body image Kate Upton shows that you can not be the size of a pencil and still be sexy as hell. 

1 comment:

  1. Duane I couldn't agree more with what your are saying. When I was writing mine Kate Upton didn't come to mind but she is a unique girl and is the only real looking model in my mind.
