Sunday, February 2, 2014


        Happiness.... What is happiness really? Over the past week I was asked to read to different articles about what to some people would consider happiness and I have to say both articles made me personally reflect myself on what makes me happy. Chuck Klosterman makes an excellent point about the need for material things in our society and how the endless consumption of material products almost ranks us in society. The more fancy gadgets we own, or multiple cars that we have doesn't come with a happiness bonus, although a lot of people think just because I have so many zeros in my bank account all these little problems I have will go away, which I believe is the furthest thing from the truth.
        Comparing that with the other article about the shelf life of things that are suppose to make us happy and the one thing that stood out to me was the comparison about would you rather have a 'broken leg" vs a "trick knee" now ones gut reaction would be I would totally take the trick knee over actually breaking a bone in my body but as I've gotten older in my life and having aching bones I'd much rather go through the immediate pain of a broken bone and have it completely heal and move on then have to deal with a bad knee that will never fully heal for the rest of my life.
        I think both articles say similar things in the sense that material possessions won't make you happy as well as things that you think will make you happy might do just that but that doesn't mean that happiness is a forever feeling, it will eventually go away and you will have to face your day to day issues just like the rest of the minions of the world. 

D's out!

1 comment:

  1. You make a very good point when you say regardless of how many zeros are in your paycheck, it still cant buy you happiness. It can buy you things to make you happy for the time being, however that will eventually fade away and reality will sink back in again. this is a really strong blog and you compare the two articles well and make it easy to the readers to see your perspective on both.
