Sunday, February 16, 2014


          Technology is a GREAT thing! The reason I can say this is because I grew up in the era of the Atari and regular Nintendo, and before that it was Oregon Trail on DOS which was slower then dial up internet. My first video game experience wasn't an Xbox One or PS4, so I can testify first hand how technology has advanced and it's leaps and bounds from where it used to be. Which brings me to the internet, anything you could possible ever want to see or read about is a fingertip away from you. Which can be a good thing or a bad thing, at this very moment I should fully be concentrating on all my homework but I have multiple tabs open ranging from this blog post to Facebook as well as the benefits of Transcendental Meditation. Now I'd love to be able to ignore that flashing icon when a Facebook notification happens but's it's like a putting a crack rock in front of a drug addict, it's just not going to happen. So for me what I love about the internet is it's quickness for getting information, I don't want to wait around when I want something I'm very impatient so for me having the ability to access information when I want to 24/7 is an amazing tool.
          However, one thing I think the internet is doing to us all is in a way dumbing us down we don't have to retain the information we seek because thanks to all of those devices out there and their capabilities of being mobile i.e. smart phones, tablets, and laptops we don't need to retain that information we can just say hold on a second while I refer back to that bookmark I made on that webpage. I can even take it a step further and talk about my spelling ability, since we have auto correct / spell checker now on almost all devices why would you ever need to remember how to spell a word correctly which I can testify first hand that is something I struggle with. Not only spelling how about remembering a phone number when I was growing up I could tell you the numbers of all my high school buddies as well as relatives, fast forward to today and I struggle to recall even my wife's phone number because all I have to do is hold down a button with her picture on it. Again so simple to use a monkey could probably handle it but in a way it's taking away from all of our critical thinking skills.
          So yes Technology/internet is still a GREAT, I love it, life would probably suck without it maybe everything that I had to do when I was younger makes me appreciate it more, but on occasion I still do things the "old fashioned" way and look it up in book instead of using "google" just to make sure I haven't totally lost my mind.


  1. I don't agree. I've had the internet my whole twenty years of life and I'm a wonderful speller. I hardly ever have to use spell check. So I don't believe that has anything to do with the internet and is just an educational problem in itself. Also, if I find something interesting on the internet and I remember it during a conversation with my friends I just tell them exactly what I read. I might have to go look up the source again, but I remember the content. On that note, I do agree about the phone numbers. I can't remember a phone number to save my life.

  2. I agree that the internet is a great thing. I grew up starting from super nintendo and the amount its adanced only makes us smarter. Maybe we cant remember everything but its definetly there for us to help remember. Knowledge about anything is simply a click away!
