Saturday, February 8, 2014

Millennial Traits

One good trait for Millennial's is the way they take advantage of the technology available to them for their shopping experience. A lot of shopping is done over the internet instead of actually having to travel to their local shopping malls, with a lot of incentives such as no tax as well as free shipping their really is no downside except for not being able to get the item right away.
However a downside that Millennial's have when it comes to is that they need the instant gratification so they feel the need to go out and spend money that they possible don't have to get all the new gadgets and toys that they see all their friends having or playing with. That instant gratification that they feel doesn't allow them the time to work towards something to earn it, they would rather spend their financial aid, charge it to their credit cards, or even go ask mom or dad for extra cash so they can purchase the items they think they need.  

1 comment:

  1. I like your thinking in the first paragraph. I completely forgot about online shopping because that really is a big thing for millennials. I agree with the second paragraph too. The millennial generation likes to put as little work towards a goal as possible so the quicker they get gratification the better.
