Tuesday, February 18, 2014

10 Seconds to Love

          I could pick several different women who would sum up who I feel represents a modern day sex symbol in America today ranging from Kim Kardashian, Emma Stone, or Jessica Biel. However the woman I feel sums it up is Kate Upton who has graced the cover of Sports Illustrated several times as well as countless other magazines. To me Kate Upton is the All American Girl that would leave countless high school fellas drooling over their pages of SI.
          What I think makes Kate Upton unique from other women out there is she isn't in the mold of other Hollywood starlets, she has some meat on her bones. She also looks like a girl that could possible grow up next door to you and for some women that makes them less threatening. I think in today's world what I like so much about Kate Upton in this day & age when you hear about countless girls struggling with their body image Kate Upton shows that you can not be the size of a pencil and still be sexy as hell. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014


          Technology is a GREAT thing! The reason I can say this is because I grew up in the era of the Atari and regular Nintendo, and before that it was Oregon Trail on DOS which was slower then dial up internet. My first video game experience wasn't an Xbox One or PS4, so I can testify first hand how technology has advanced and it's leaps and bounds from where it used to be. Which brings me to the internet, anything you could possible ever want to see or read about is a fingertip away from you. Which can be a good thing or a bad thing, at this very moment I should fully be concentrating on all my homework but I have multiple tabs open ranging from this blog post to Facebook as well as the benefits of Transcendental Meditation. Now I'd love to be able to ignore that flashing icon when a Facebook notification happens but's it's like a putting a crack rock in front of a drug addict, it's just not going to happen. So for me what I love about the internet is it's quickness for getting information, I don't want to wait around when I want something I'm very impatient so for me having the ability to access information when I want to 24/7 is an amazing tool.
          However, one thing I think the internet is doing to us all is in a way dumbing us down we don't have to retain the information we seek because thanks to all of those devices out there and their capabilities of being mobile i.e. smart phones, tablets, and laptops we don't need to retain that information we can just say hold on a second while I refer back to that bookmark I made on that webpage. I can even take it a step further and talk about my spelling ability, since we have auto correct / spell checker now on almost all devices why would you ever need to remember how to spell a word correctly which I can testify first hand that is something I struggle with. Not only spelling how about remembering a phone number when I was growing up I could tell you the numbers of all my high school buddies as well as relatives, fast forward to today and I struggle to recall even my wife's phone number because all I have to do is hold down a button with her picture on it. Again so simple to use a monkey could probably handle it but in a way it's taking away from all of our critical thinking skills.
          So yes Technology/internet is still a GREAT, I love it, life would probably suck without it maybe everything that I had to do when I was younger makes me appreciate it more, but on occasion I still do things the "old fashioned" way and look it up in book instead of using "google" just to make sure I haven't totally lost my mind.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Millennial Traits

One good trait for Millennial's is the way they take advantage of the technology available to them for their shopping experience. A lot of shopping is done over the internet instead of actually having to travel to their local shopping malls, with a lot of incentives such as no tax as well as free shipping their really is no downside except for not being able to get the item right away.
However a downside that Millennial's have when it comes to is that they need the instant gratification so they feel the need to go out and spend money that they possible don't have to get all the new gadgets and toys that they see all their friends having or playing with. That instant gratification that they feel doesn't allow them the time to work towards something to earn it, they would rather spend their financial aid, charge it to their credit cards, or even go ask mom or dad for extra cash so they can purchase the items they think they need.  

Sunday, February 2, 2014


        Happiness.... What is happiness really? Over the past week I was asked to read to different articles about what to some people would consider happiness and I have to say both articles made me personally reflect myself on what makes me happy. Chuck Klosterman makes an excellent point about the need for material things in our society and how the endless consumption of material products almost ranks us in society. The more fancy gadgets we own, or multiple cars that we have doesn't come with a happiness bonus, although a lot of people think just because I have so many zeros in my bank account all these little problems I have will go away, which I believe is the furthest thing from the truth.
        Comparing that with the other article about the shelf life of things that are suppose to make us happy and the one thing that stood out to me was the comparison about would you rather have a 'broken leg" vs a "trick knee" now ones gut reaction would be I would totally take the trick knee over actually breaking a bone in my body but as I've gotten older in my life and having aching bones I'd much rather go through the immediate pain of a broken bone and have it completely heal and move on then have to deal with a bad knee that will never fully heal for the rest of my life.
        I think both articles say similar things in the sense that material possessions won't make you happy as well as things that you think will make you happy might do just that but that doesn't mean that happiness is a forever feeling, it will eventually go away and you will have to face your day to day issues just like the rest of the minions of the world. 

D's out!