Monday, April 28, 2014


     This week we discussed the vast reaches "The Magic Kingdom" has, for some people it's almost like a religious pilgrimage to load up the whole family in the ol' truckster like out of the classic movie National Lampoon's Vacation and head on out to see the mouse and his friends. However, I think an even more significant trip would be taking the family to the nations capital, Washington D.C.

     Now stating the obvious here there isn't the sexiness of going to Washington D.C. like there is in going to Walt Disney due to it not being a theme park but just the amount of history and knowledge that is in that city with the Museum and national landmarks is truly overwhelming. I certainly know that not everyone is a history junkie like I am but I certainly think it would serve a lot of our younger generations some good to see first hand some of the symbols that epitomize our country to people around the world like The White House, Lincoln Memorial, Arlington Cemetery, or the Vietnam Memorial Wall. 

     I'm a firm believer in looking back and trying to learn from some of our greatest accomplishments & challenges in our past and then using the tools we have now to learn from them. George Santayana said it best when he said this -"Those who are unaware of history are destined to repeat it."   

1 comment:

  1. I agree that going to Washington D.C. would be a great thing to go to with your family. Theres a lot of history and knowledge there. I like that idea and would have never thought of that being a place that everyone should go to once in their lives so great job! (:
