Monday, April 14, 2014


     In our readings we looked at the a couple different viewpoints on what is considered cool. If you take a look at Klosterman article he talks about the exclusivity of things that are cool. Take for instance the example he cited about about cereal and the "Trix Rabbit" is always denied his craving of some of the sugar in a bowl that they market to children. By making it only for "kids" it has the image of being exclusive and therefore they are in the cool club.
     If you look at the piece by Quart that if I may say was brilliantly narrated in class (shameless plug for person that read the Frontline Questions, I know lol) Anyhow, she talks about how hard she has observed children trying to be cool and how active they are to represent that in different forms of social media that is out there. 
     If you look at both viewpoints I think they are both strong arguments and are valid however they just seem to differ a bit.

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