Sunday, March 30, 2014

Intimidation Culture

     In the Frontline video we watched in class it explored how football at the High School level has turned into what they call a "football factory". Being a former football player on a lot of different levels (Junior High, High School, College, and Professional) as well as also being a high school football coach in Iowa I feel like I have some knowledge on this subject. Although I haven't worked at a school that can claim to be a "football factory" I have seen first hand what they look like.
     However, I don't feel you have to be at a "football factory" to have the "intimidation culture" that was referenced in the reading by Klosterman. Almost every level of football that I have played at as well as once I became a coach, I have coached players to be aggressive. Football isn't a sport that you can patty cake your way through it, the sport of football is played with controlled aggression. It's a sport where I have coached people if you're going to make a mistake it's 100% full speed. I would rather have an athlete make a mistake going full speed then questioning what his responsibility is on that certain play. 
     It's not uncommon to hear on the practice field or game field that I want to see a "snot bubbling hit" on this play, or at times I would refer to our kickoff team as the "Hit Squad". I know that with the rising concerns of concussions in football that some could say that's being irresponsible to make statements like that but I will tell you with 100% certainty that I have seen more injuries when players start to question what they are doing or don't play to the whistle then I have with someone playing the sport like it was meant to be played which is like I said before when it's played right it's played with "controlled agression" and by no means am I saying to play dirty, I am saying that football is played within the rules that have been established for the sport.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Adult Entertainment Business Drives Technology

This past week we read about how the technology in general really exploded once the adult business started to capitalize the uses that it offered it. Take for instance the internet, now I'm sure even Al Gore the self proclaimed inventor of the world wide web didn't expect the internet to explode with pornography. However the fact people could access things of an adult nature without having to leave their comforts of their own home should be no shock to anyone in my opinion. 
To me it's no surprise that the porn industry has helped sky-rocket the technology industry, when you look at our society in general sex is what sells. You look at the marketing industry like we have so far in the semester and you have advertisements that have nothing to do with the actually product they're trying to market to the general public. 
I don't feel this will ever change and the reason I say this is because in general I think we are a pretty superficial and materialistic society, there is certainly exceptions to the rule but until we have a society that chooses to not idolize people like Kim Kardashian who is really only famous because of a sex tape that propelled her into stardom, until that changes I believe we will continue on with the status qua.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Objectifying Ads

To be honest there wasn't a lack of ads to chose from on this topic, there was a huge selection to go off of, I chose three different ads that objectify women in different ways.

The first one is an advertisement for Durex XXL Condoms which seem to be implying that the guys that are wearing these condoms would rip open the mouth of the women that they were engaging in oral sex with due to the bandages at the corners of her mouth. Not only is this objectifying women by just showing her mouth, it also seems to imply that its okay to be so rough with women that you rip open their mouth during a sexual act.

This second picture is a car advertisement that states "Nice Headlamps" which as you can see from the ad it has nothing to do with automobiles at all due to the picture showing just a woman in her bra. Not only is this objectifying women by showing just her breasts it also makes it seem this is the only part of a woman that is worth showing.

Lastly, this advertisement features the pop singer Katy Perry where she is selling some type of chips, with the tagline of "Nothing fake about 'em" which I do give them credit for actually showing the bags of chips but they are strategically placed where her breasts would be and is implying that her breasts are real and not implants. Now this ad may seem tame compared to the others but it's still objectifying women due to the fact that it's talking about fake breasts Vs real breasts in selling potato chips.