Friday, May 9, 2014

Serial Killers

Serial Killers... They are no doubt a different breed, I think that's what attracts us to them. What they do is so random and hard to fathom why they would do that to someone is what attracts people to what to learn more about them and in turns helps them reach this pseudo celebrity status. Murderers aren't uncommon to our culture & society and some of the time it's easier to see where someone might be coming from when it happens from crimes of passion, etc. However with most all serial killers they usually don't know their victims. Unfortunately victims usually happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. 
I've mentioned this before but something that doesn't help with creating the celebrity culture for these monsters is the 24 hour news cycle, every news network beats stories to death with their constant news coverage, one network tries to get the scoop on another network by beating them to the punch. If you need an example look no further then the missing Malaysian Airplane.  

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Accidental Racist

     This week we talked about the song "Accidental Racist" and the national attention it received due to the sensitive nature of the topic. One of the reason's I believe it got a lot of the attention it did was because it was done by a country artist and like in the reading we did this past week with country artist a reason for their success is because people can actually understand their lyrics. Let's be honest this isn't the first song about racism but I think due to the fact that it was a white person talking about and almost minimizing it by saying hey the confederate is just a dew-rag to me, and since it was a song it didn't get into any type of depth into the things they listed so there was too much left open to interpret. Another mitigating factor I think that helped push peoples buttons about this song is in general most people think that a lot of people who listen to country music are racist which is a huge over generalization.